Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My very own blog!!

Hi all

I've been wanting to do this for awhile, finally got to is today. Welcome to my blog! I will blabber on here about what I have been making, dyeing, spinning, dreaming, working on, and so on.
Right now I have some pastel Icelandic almost dry, in Easter-ish colours, since I am SO READY for winter to be over, and it turned out great. Started with white Icelandic this time, and I am still learning about that particular fiber. It likes to be dyed, but prefers lighter tones; very interesting.
I also have some Ruby and some Antique Gold Firestar planned for today, and a little more de-stashing to do. I can finally see space in my storage shelves,hooray!


  1. Awesome Pat! I started a blog in January when I was recovering from surgery - it is great fun. Leesa and I are still planning on making a run down to Trenton sometime (Thelma and Louise ride again...). Hope this finds you well!

    Lynne (from Peterborough)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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